Saturday, December 11, 2010

5 things people regret before knocking the doors of heaven....!

     Our life is flavoured with emotions but of different proportions. We laugh, giggle, sob, cry, express joy, delight, gladden, pleasure, excite, perplexed, exuberate and so on. With these we also regret or remorse for something in our life. We either repent for the things we did but there is no point in repenting because it’s the one you want at some point of your life. But the most horrible feeling is missing something when we had the chance.
The five things that people usually regret in their last stage of the life:
I wish I had the courage to live of myself and not for others.
Try to honour and take care of your dreams and aspirations. Don’t let to slip of your mind or from your life. They are the assets that you chiselled in your memorable childhood days.
I wish I dint work so hard.
Work gives an identity to your life but not your life. Stop and look around you for a while. They have more to give you than your beloved work.
I wish I had the courage to express my feelings.
Bottle up your emotions.  Don’t shy away from these words SORRY and THANKS. Don’t feel ashamed to express your love, affection, and joy. Think twice before you hurt or hold grudge on others because others are also equally capable.
I wish I had stayed in touch with friends.
We are busy bees. But honey! People are waiting for you.

I wish I had let myself be happy.

Do not carry unnecessary baggage on your shoulder after all we are human my boss…

The wise people after reading this will never have these things in their regret lists.  Come on…We have only one life as human and not promised to be reborn the way we are in the next birth. Who knows you and me can be swimming in a fish tank or part of a carnivorous pack in the Amazon forest. Heee heee heee… YIPPEY!!!