Saturday, December 11, 2010

5 things people regret before knocking the doors of heaven....!

     Our life is flavoured with emotions but of different proportions. We laugh, giggle, sob, cry, express joy, delight, gladden, pleasure, excite, perplexed, exuberate and so on. With these we also regret or remorse for something in our life. We either repent for the things we did but there is no point in repenting because it’s the one you want at some point of your life. But the most horrible feeling is missing something when we had the chance.
The five things that people usually regret in their last stage of the life:
I wish I had the courage to live of myself and not for others.
Try to honour and take care of your dreams and aspirations. Don’t let to slip of your mind or from your life. They are the assets that you chiselled in your memorable childhood days.
I wish I dint work so hard.
Work gives an identity to your life but not your life. Stop and look around you for a while. They have more to give you than your beloved work.
I wish I had the courage to express my feelings.
Bottle up your emotions.  Don’t shy away from these words SORRY and THANKS. Don’t feel ashamed to express your love, affection, and joy. Think twice before you hurt or hold grudge on others because others are also equally capable.
I wish I had stayed in touch with friends.
We are busy bees. But honey! People are waiting for you.

I wish I had let myself be happy.

Do not carry unnecessary baggage on your shoulder after all we are human my boss…

The wise people after reading this will never have these things in their regret lists.  Come on…We have only one life as human and not promised to be reborn the way we are in the next birth. Who knows you and me can be swimming in a fish tank or part of a carnivorous pack in the Amazon forest. Heee heee heee… YIPPEY!!!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

I am not a feminist... But i am a Woman....

      Women’s right seems to be a complex and crucial topic but it’s an integral part of the society.  She is more alluring in every walk of man’s life and the obsession with her physical form is a never ending saga.  Nobody in the earth can define her rights neither she can. But she knows that she has to be brave from the mother’s womb till the grave. In argumentative India Amartya sen had written, the biggest crime begins against women at the place where they are meant to be safest, in the mother’s wombs.  It’s the society that is to blame for this, real perpetrators of the crime are amongst us and they go scot free every time.  United nations reveals that about 7,50,000 female foetuses are aborted every year in India and eventually marked with steep fall of sex ratio.
      The problems faced by Muslim women are confined to issues like veil, polygamy, divorce etc and more sickening is that society stopped looking them beyond it.  Covering herself with veil and headscarf is an individual choice about attire and the intervention in her personal space spurs violence and tension in society.
      Falling prey for each and every revolting issue is her sin and curse.  Women can have missed the joy of education in her childhood or failed to hear stories as Alice in wonderland in the tender age nor might have failed to dream about her prince charming in her teenage but she would not have missed to escape from any of these – verbal harassment, staring, touching, sexual harassment or assault nor hearing lewd comments. They live in vulnerable society where practice of dowry, domestic violence can be stalled with help of an act and she is respectable only when laid in paper not in the heart or soul. 
    The women reservation bill is another never ending saga. The bill fight for representation of women in governance and it’s a true trump card to activate women power and also in protecting her rights.  Last year, Forbes listed Sonia Gandhi as most powerful women in the world but why the woman finds it difficult to make the bill as law.  Is her power is negligible on comparing with Lalu and Mulayam or with other conservative men folks power. Are the people out of governance is more powerful in our democratic country?  This bill can help in betterment of women life and certainly in creating a safe, secure and an adorable society for her. 
    The fighting or demanding for rights started age old since our great grandmother days. Still the crusade is on and likely to get more intense in the future. Still news like first army woman personnel, ceo, politicians make waves in the society. For very long time, her potential remained untapped and considered as burden in the society. The Society least worried about her poverty, illiteracy or her exploitation and spent most of the time in creating hurdles one after the other.
   The lack of proper toilet facilities, sanitation problems, forcible marriage, abduction, rape, honour killing by family members, dispute in property sharing and there is so on that society needs to address and resolve it.  The right which is obvious to her is to appeal, to make everyone hear her voice and notice her in more dignified way.
    Women are being liberated slowly from the clutches of evils and demons but still her feathers are clamped. This is the sad and miserable part of her life.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Invasion of technology

        Are you the one who rave about advanced technology and gizmos? You appreciate every little    achievement in the field of communication. Oh please then do hear my tragic hilarious story...

      I was apprehensively waiting for this weekend and this too got a reason. After very long time I got a romantic novel in my hands. People just cannot stop praising about this novel because it’s in the category of the best romantic novel. Hence like any other normal girl I picked this novel with lot of dreams and hopes.

     When I got this book to the dining hall in the hostel for quick reading following things I heard and which kept me away from my very charming romantic hero of the book. My girl and boy in the book are going for a date to woods in the weekend. Interesting, this was their first outing to a secluded place. I wondered how romantic that would be. The silence was broke in the hall suddenly by a husky voice. I startled and looked in the direction of that noise. Oh my god... someone switched on the television.

     A pretty lady with full make up and fewer clothes rendering a hit song in her high pitch and men in the sets are drooling for her. I waited till she completes her song. I religiously went back for continuing with my book. After few seconds a male started singing and this time girls gone crazy with that male singer. Oh this all reality shows with less real and more reel. Hmmm ok the romance is in the air but why the hell they never allow me to read my so called romantic book.

    I tried my level best to concentrate on the book. Suddenly a voice says “A matter of shame...”I got irritated why my hero and heroine have to be ashamed of going for a date. It’s again from TV, a news anchor mentioning about honour killings in North India. This time people of media disturbed me gravely. I left the place with quick pace and headed to my room.

    My girl and guy are in the middle of the woods and they both try to be irresistible to each other. Well I could again hear a voice of female; her pitch oscillates between minimum and maximum. I turned around gently and got to see my roommate over the phone with her guy. I took a deep breath and went near veranda to sit near the entrance gate.

    Hoping for the best and wishing to take them beyond woods, I tried reading it from the place I left but now aptly interrupted by Mohammad Rafi. He haunts me through radio and which gives immense pressure to my hostel security guard.

     These are all inventions in communication that invaded my privacy and estranged my personal life. Nowhere to go beyond my hostel entrance and very pathetically the love stricken couples also stayed in woods, unmoving. I closed the novel and went straight to open another breakthrough invention in this field. I accessed facebook and felt happy that this is my turn for the invasion. Thus my weekend comes to an end hopefully.